55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM)

30 July 2022 - 06 August 2022
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Event Description
The 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM), ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference (PMC), 23rd ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (23rd APT FMM), 12th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (12th EAS FMM), 29th ASEAN Regional Forum (29th ARF) and related meetings will be held in Phnom Penh from 31 July to 06 August 2022 at Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel (Hereinafter referred to as Sokha Hotel) located at the following address:
Keo Chenda Street, Sangkat Chroy Changvar, Khan Chroy Changvar
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: +855 23 685 8888, Fax: +855 23 685 7777
E-mail: reservation.fopp@sokhahotels.com
Website: https://www.sokhahotels.com.kh/phnompenh/
2.1. Delegation Accreditation Officer (DAO)
Each delegation is requested to designate 02 Delegation Accreditation Officers (DAOs), one from the Capital and another one from the Diplomatic Mission accredited to the Kingdom of Cambodia.
The detailed information of DAOs (Name, position, organization, contact numbers and email address etc.) shall be submitted through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee for ASEAN 2022 (Hereinafter referred to as the Secretariat) via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh by 30 June 2022. Username and password for online registration will be provided to DAOs.
2.2. Online Registration
All delegations are requested to register online via https://asean2022.mfaic.gov.kh by completing the registration form with an attached color photograph (JPG format, not over 1MB) of each delegate. The online registration will be open from 01 to 22 July 2022.
After the deadline, any change of delegates’ information and accreditation shall be submitted to the Secretariat, via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh, in a written form as follows:
- Note Verbal / letter of endorsement
- One recent color passport-size photo with the duly completed form
- Copy of proof of vaccination
- Other necessary documents (i.e. copie of passport).
2.3. On-Site Registration
On-Site Registration Desk, located in the Main Lobby of Sokha Hotel, will be operational from 30 July 2022 (Working hours: 08:30 - 18:00). DAOs are responsible for on-site registration of additional delegates and are requested to submit the following documents:
- Note Verbal / letter of endorsement,
- Two recent color passport-size photos with the duly completed Form (Annex 1)
- Other necessary documents (i.e. copie of passport).
2.4. Namelist of Delegation
All Diplomatic Missions of Participating Countries and the ASEAN Secretariat are requested to provide the namelist of their respective delegation through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh by 25 July 2022.
3.1. Arrival and Departure Arrangements
VIP facilitation will be extended to Foreign Ministers and Spouses, ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse, ASEAN SOM Leaders, ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General and their entourage on arrival and departure at Phnom Penh International Airport.
VIP’s flight information, including arrival and departure date and time, must be submitted to the Secretariat via a Note Verbal in advance to ensure appropriate airport courtesies and arrangements.
Upon arrival, Foreign Ministers / ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouses will be greeted by a Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia at the airbridge and will then be escorted to the VIP Lounge at Phnom Penh International Airport and vice versa for departure.
Heads / Representatives of the Diplomatic Missions of the Participating Countries who wish to receive / see off their Ministers and SOM Leaders shall submit written requests to the Secretariat through a Note Verbal at least two working days prior to the arrival / departure of their delegations.
Members of Delegation travelling on separate flights from their Heads of Delegation will have to use the regular entry and exit channel of the airport terminal. An Airport Reception Team will assist the delegates to expedite the customs, immigration and luggage clearance. Designated lanes for delegates will be available on arrival and departure at Phnom Penh International Airport.
3.2. Immigration Clearance
Each delegation is required to assign one passport officer and one luggage officer to facilitate the arrival and departure of the Head of Delegation at the airport.
For departure, all passports and luggage of the delegation shall be collected at least three hours before departure time. Accompanying delegates are requested to arrive at the airport at least two hours in advance.
3.3. Customs Clearance
Delegations must declare firearms, radio communication devices and official equipment and present relevant documents and appropriate permits/licenses at the point of entry to Cambodia. The detailed information of the firearms and radio communication devices and equipments must be submitted through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh at least 72 hours before arrival.
3.4. Special Aircraft Clearance
Delegations of the participating countries travelling by special aircraft are requested to submit the flight details through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via E-mail: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh at least 10 working days before their departure to Cambodia for the issuance of special flight clearance. Special aircrafts larger than Boeing 737 or Airbus 320 should be consulted in advance with the Secretariat. The following information is needed for processing the request:
- Type, nationality and registration number of the aircraft
- Call sign
- Date and time of arrival/departure
- Port(s) of entry and departure
- Complete routes of flight and flight schedule (all times in UTC)
- Name, address and nationality of the operator
- List of crew members including the pilot-in-command
- Name and address of the designated office in Cambodia
- Type of fuel
- Purpose of flight
In case the delegation prefers an exemption from security screening, the concerned Diplomatic Mission shall send a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via Email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh at least 72 hours prior to the departure time of the delegation.
3.5. Visa Requirements
Delegates from the countries not having an Agreement on Visa Exemption with Cambodia shall request for entry visa before travelling to Cambodia. Appropriate visas can be obtained from Cambodian Missions in their countries. However, if there is none of them in the Capital, the delegates shall indicate the need of assistance for entry visa when completing the registration form online.
Appropriate chauffeur-driven vehicles will be provided to each Participating Country and ASEAN Secretariat for the duration of the official program of the Meetings as follows:
01 - 06 August 2022 |
03 - 06 August 2022 |
04 - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 05 August 2022 |
31 July - 06 August 2022 |
30 July - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 06 August 2022 |
Each delegation will be provided with a Luggage Van or Truck for arrival and departure; and a 17-seater Van for transporting delegation members during their official program as follows:
30 July - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 06 August 2022 |
04 - 06 August 2022 |
Courtesy vehicles will be extended until 07 August 2022 for delegations attending the meetings on 06 August 2022.
Vehicle access passes will be issued and must be displayed on windscreen of the vehicle at all times.
All delegations may rent additional vehicles at their own expenses. For security reason, a Note Verbal from the concerned Diplomatic Mission, a copy of certificate of registration of each rented vehicle and driver’s license shall be submitted to the Secretariat via E-mail: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh
Courtesy Accommodation will be provided to Foreign Ministers and Spouses, Invited Foreign Ministers and Spouses, ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse, ASEAN SOM Leaders and ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General for the duration of their official program of the Meetings as follows:
01 - 06 August 2022 |
03 - 06 August 2022 |
04 - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 05 August 2022 |
31 July - 06 August 2022 |
30 July - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 06 August 2022 |
Courtesy Accommodation will be extended until 07 August 2022 for Foreign Ministers and Senoir Officials attending the meetings on 06 August 2022.
The incidentals up to USD200.00 per day for Foreign Ministers and Spouses and the ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse include meals, non-alcoholic beverages, laundry, internet access and local phone calls in the hotel. Other expenses such as additional nights or suite upgrades shall be paid for by the respective delegation directly to the hotel.
6.1. Interpretation Facilities
Meetings will be conducted in English. Should there be a need for interpretation, silmultaneous interpretation booths will be available at the meeting venues. Delegations concerned must provide their own interpreters; and are requested to notify the Secretariat by email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh by 25 July 2022.
6.2. Listening Rooms
Listening and Viewing rooms are located at Kolab Room, Lobby Floor, Sokha Hotel. A limited number of passes for Listerning rooms will be provided to delegations.
6.3. Country Rooms
Each Participating Country will be provided with a Country Room which will be available from 30 July to 06 August 2022 on 3rd Floor, Sokha Hotel. Each Country Room can accommodate 6 persons (boardroom style) and will be equipped with a working desk and chairs, a desktop computer with internet access and a multifunction printer. Photocopier machines will also be available for common use on the same floor.
6.4. Bilateral Rooms
Bilateral rooms are located at M Floor and 3rd Floor, Sokha Hotel, and will be available from 01 to 06 August 2022. The Participating Countries are required to reserve bilateral rooms by filling out a Room Reservation Form and submit it to the Secretariat by email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh or through their respective LOs in advance for appropriate arrangements.
6.5. Prayer Rooms
Separate prayer rooms for men and women are available from 30 July to 06 August 2022 on 3rd Floor, Sokha Hotel.
6.6. Organizing Secretariat (Logistics)
The Secretariat of the Organizing Committee for ASEAN 2022, located at Yihub Room, M Floor, Sokha Hotel, will be operational from 30 July to 06 August 2022 from 07:30 to 20:00.
6.7. ASEAN-Cambodia National Secretariat (Substance)
The ASEAN-Cambodia National Secretariat located on 3rd Floor, Sokha Hotel, will operate from 30 July to 06 August from 07:30 to 20:00.
The Foreign Ministers and their Spouses, the ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse, SOM Leaders, ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General, DGs and CPRs will be provided with lapel pins. All other delegates will be provided with accreditation badges. DAOs are responsible for collecting lapel pins and badges for their delegations.
7.1. Access Control
All delegates are required to use their badges for entry into the meeting area at Sokha Hotel and any related events. Badges must be worn at all time during the meetings and functions. Lapel pins should be worn and visible as they shall be required for entry into secured venues in lieu of overpasses.
Access will be denied to non-accredited individuals and those who make improper use of their badges. Appropriate security arrangements and screening will be implemented, and all individuals entering the event premises will be subject to security screening. Ministers and their Spouses; and ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse will be exempted from the security screening.
7.2. Access to secured venue
Entry into meeting rooms is restricted. A limited number of overpasses for entering the meeting venues will be provided to delegations and collected by DAOs one day before the meetings.
7.3. Loss of Badges and Lapel Pins
Loss of badges and Lapel Pins must be reported promptly to the Secretariat. Once the identity of the delegate verified, re-issuance of their badges shall be made on submission of an official letter issued by the concerned delegation and the presentation of the delegate’s passport. Upon the issuance of a new badge, the previous one shall no longer be valid.
Liaison Officers (LO) will be assigned to each delegation of participating country and ASEAN Secretariat as follows:
- One for Foreign Minister / ASEAN Secretary-General
- One for Spouse of Foreign Minister / ASEAN Secretary-General
- One for SOM Leader and Delegation
(Liaison Officers’ Namelist with contact details in Annex 2)
Security Officers (SO) will be assigned to each delegation of participating country and ASEAN Secretariat as follows:
- One for Foreign Minister / ASEAN Secretary-General
- One for Spouse of Foreign Minister / ASEAN Secretary-General
- Medical Information and Dietary Restrictions
All particiapating countries and the ASEAN Secretariat are requested to provide Medical Information and Dietary Restrictions of their Heads of Delegation and Spouses through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh at the earliest opportunity and no later than 25 July 2022.
The medical facilities will be available at the Sokha Hotel for 24 hours daily. Health care professionals will provide first-aid and primary health care treatment for all delegates. Should the Delegations require immediate medical attention, kindly contact the assigned LOs for assistance.
- COVID-19 Prevention Measures
12.1. COVID-19 Airport Status
Since 17 March 2022, fully vaccinated air travellers to the Kingdom of Cambodia are NO LONGER required to show a negative PCR Test Result of COVID-19 and to undertake COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test at the port of entry. However, hardcopy proof of vaccination must be presented to the authorities upon arrival in Cambodia. Unvaccinated/partially vaccinated travellers are required to undergo seven days’ quarantine at their own expense. Foreign travellers are encouraged to purchase health insurance covering COVID-19 treament.
To expedite arrival formalities at the airport, each delegate shall register a valid COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate prior to departure to Cambodia. Information on the vaccination, such as vaccination certificate with details of the holder, vaccines administered, the institution that performed the vaccination, date of complete vaccination, will be required as proof that complete vaccination had taken place at a minimum 14 days prior to arrival in Cambodia.
12.2. COVID-19 Prevention Measures at Meeting Venue
Throughout the entire event, Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Tests will be performed every two days on all delegates before entering the meeting venue. Tests are available for free at the COVID-19 Testing Site located in the pre-function area, Lobby Floor, Sokha Hotel. The antigen test is valid for 48 hours. Medical team will provide a special sticker to be attached to the delegate’s badge if the test result is negative.
Social distancing must be strictly observed in all meeting rooms during the Meetings. It is mandatory to wear a face mask (covering nose and mouth) at all times at meeting venue.
12.3. Courtesy Call on Samdech Prime Minister
For the Courtesy Call on Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, ASEAN Foreign Ministers and ASEAN Secretary-General are requested to do the Rapid Antigen Test for COVID-19. The test kit will be available at the COVID-19 Testing Site in the pre-function area, Lobby Floor, Sokha Hotel.
12.4. Pre-departure COVID-19 RT-PCR Test
Delegations must indicate the need for Medical Certificates of COVID-19 RT-PCR Test Result for return trip when fiiling in the Registration Form.
- Media Arrangements
13.1. Media Center
The Media Center will be arranged at Sokha Hotel and will operate from 30 July to 06 August 2022 with working hours from 08:00 - 20:00.
13.2. Media Registration and Press ID
All media wishing to cover the 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and Related Meetings are required to be duly accredited. Press ID cards will be issued to accredited media representatives and must be visibly worn at all times at the Media Center and meeting venues.
Media is requested to register online via https://asean2022.mfaic.gov.kh by completing the registration form with an attached color photograph (JPG format, not over 1MB). The online registration for Media will be open from 01 to 25 July 2022.
The necessary documents required for the registration are as follows:
- One recent color passport-size photo with the duly completed form
- Valid Passport / National ID Card
- Valid Press ID Card
- Letter of assignment to cover the event
Incomplete and inaccurate information of the registration may delay the approval process and/or deny entry.
13.3. Press ID Pick-up
The time and venue for the press badge collection will be informed in due course. Please bring a printed copy of your approval email and valid passport to receive the press badge. For members of the same media organization, group collection of press badges is possible and advisable. Please prepare a list of recipients and present their original passports and printed approval emails for collection.
13.4. Press Pool
Most official events are restricted to a certain number of media representatives and will be arranged through a press pool. Media will be escorted at all times while they are at the meeting venues.
55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM)
30 July 2022 - 06 August 2022
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Event Description
The 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM), ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference (PMC), 23rd ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (23rd APT FMM), 12th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (12th EAS FMM), 29th ASEAN Regional Forum (29th ARF) and related meetings will be held in Phnom Penh from 31 July to 06 August 2022 at Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel (Hereinafter referred to as Sokha Hotel) located at the following address:
Keo Chenda Street, Sangkat Chroy Changvar, Khan Chroy Changvar
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: +855 23 685 8888, Fax: +855 23 685 7777
E-mail: reservation.fopp@sokhahotels.com
Website: https://www.sokhahotels.com.kh/phnompenh/
2.1. Delegation Accreditation Officer (DAO)
Each delegation is requested to designate 02 Delegation Accreditation Officers (DAOs), one from the Capital and another one from the Diplomatic Mission accredited to the Kingdom of Cambodia.
The detailed information of DAOs (Name, position, organization, contact numbers and email address etc.) shall be submitted through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee for ASEAN 2022 (Hereinafter referred to as the Secretariat) via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh by 30 June 2022. Username and password for online registration will be provided to DAOs.
2.2. Online Registration
All delegations are requested to register online via https://asean2022.mfaic.gov.kh by completing the registration form with an attached color photograph (JPG format, not over 1MB) of each delegate. The online registration will be open from 01 to 22 July 2022.
After the deadline, any change of delegates’ information and accreditation shall be submitted to the Secretariat, via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh, in a written form as follows:
- Note Verbal / letter of endorsement
- One recent color passport-size photo with the duly completed form
- Copy of proof of vaccination
- Other necessary documents (i.e. copie of passport).
2.3. On-Site Registration
On-Site Registration Desk, located in the Main Lobby of Sokha Hotel, will be operational from 30 July 2022 (Working hours: 08:30 - 18:00). DAOs are responsible for on-site registration of additional delegates and are requested to submit the following documents:
- Note Verbal / letter of endorsement,
- Two recent color passport-size photos with the duly completed Form (Annex 1)
- Other necessary documents (i.e. copie of passport).
2.4. Namelist of Delegation
All Diplomatic Missions of Participating Countries and the ASEAN Secretariat are requested to provide the namelist of their respective delegation through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh by 25 July 2022.
3.1. Arrival and Departure Arrangements
VIP facilitation will be extended to Foreign Ministers and Spouses, ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse, ASEAN SOM Leaders, ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General and their entourage on arrival and departure at Phnom Penh International Airport.
VIP’s flight information, including arrival and departure date and time, must be submitted to the Secretariat via a Note Verbal in advance to ensure appropriate airport courtesies and arrangements.
Upon arrival, Foreign Ministers / ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouses will be greeted by a Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia at the airbridge and will then be escorted to the VIP Lounge at Phnom Penh International Airport and vice versa for departure.
Heads / Representatives of the Diplomatic Missions of the Participating Countries who wish to receive / see off their Ministers and SOM Leaders shall submit written requests to the Secretariat through a Note Verbal at least two working days prior to the arrival / departure of their delegations.
Members of Delegation travelling on separate flights from their Heads of Delegation will have to use the regular entry and exit channel of the airport terminal. An Airport Reception Team will assist the delegates to expedite the customs, immigration and luggage clearance. Designated lanes for delegates will be available on arrival and departure at Phnom Penh International Airport.
3.2. Immigration Clearance
Each delegation is required to assign one passport officer and one luggage officer to facilitate the arrival and departure of the Head of Delegation at the airport.
For departure, all passports and luggage of the delegation shall be collected at least three hours before departure time. Accompanying delegates are requested to arrive at the airport at least two hours in advance.
3.3. Customs Clearance
Delegations must declare firearms, radio communication devices and official equipment and present relevant documents and appropriate permits/licenses at the point of entry to Cambodia. The detailed information of the firearms and radio communication devices and equipments must be submitted through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh at least 72 hours before arrival.
3.4. Special Aircraft Clearance
Delegations of the participating countries travelling by special aircraft are requested to submit the flight details through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via E-mail: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh at least 10 working days before their departure to Cambodia for the issuance of special flight clearance. Special aircrafts larger than Boeing 737 or Airbus 320 should be consulted in advance with the Secretariat. The following information is needed for processing the request:
- Type, nationality and registration number of the aircraft
- Call sign
- Date and time of arrival/departure
- Port(s) of entry and departure
- Complete routes of flight and flight schedule (all times in UTC)
- Name, address and nationality of the operator
- List of crew members including the pilot-in-command
- Name and address of the designated office in Cambodia
- Type of fuel
- Purpose of flight
In case the delegation prefers an exemption from security screening, the concerned Diplomatic Mission shall send a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via Email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh at least 72 hours prior to the departure time of the delegation.
3.5. Visa Requirements
Delegates from the countries not having an Agreement on Visa Exemption with Cambodia shall request for entry visa before travelling to Cambodia. Appropriate visas can be obtained from Cambodian Missions in their countries. However, if there is none of them in the Capital, the delegates shall indicate the need of assistance for entry visa when completing the registration form online.
Appropriate chauffeur-driven vehicles will be provided to each Participating Country and ASEAN Secretariat for the duration of the official program of the Meetings as follows:
01 - 06 August 2022 |
03 - 06 August 2022 |
04 - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 05 August 2022 |
31 July - 06 August 2022 |
30 July - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 06 August 2022 |
Each delegation will be provided with a Luggage Van or Truck for arrival and departure; and a 17-seater Van for transporting delegation members during their official program as follows:
30 July - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 06 August 2022 |
04 - 06 August 2022 |
Courtesy vehicles will be extended until 07 August 2022 for delegations attending the meetings on 06 August 2022.
Vehicle access passes will be issued and must be displayed on windscreen of the vehicle at all times.
All delegations may rent additional vehicles at their own expenses. For security reason, a Note Verbal from the concerned Diplomatic Mission, a copy of certificate of registration of each rented vehicle and driver’s license shall be submitted to the Secretariat via E-mail: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh
Courtesy Accommodation will be provided to Foreign Ministers and Spouses, Invited Foreign Ministers and Spouses, ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse, ASEAN SOM Leaders and ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General for the duration of their official program of the Meetings as follows:
01 - 06 August 2022 |
03 - 06 August 2022 |
04 - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 05 August 2022 |
31 July - 06 August 2022 |
30 July - 06 August 2022 |
02 - 06 August 2022 |
Courtesy Accommodation will be extended until 07 August 2022 for Foreign Ministers and Senoir Officials attending the meetings on 06 August 2022.
The incidentals up to USD200.00 per day for Foreign Ministers and Spouses and the ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse include meals, non-alcoholic beverages, laundry, internet access and local phone calls in the hotel. Other expenses such as additional nights or suite upgrades shall be paid for by the respective delegation directly to the hotel.
6.1. Interpretation Facilities
Meetings will be conducted in English. Should there be a need for interpretation, silmultaneous interpretation booths will be available at the meeting venues. Delegations concerned must provide their own interpreters; and are requested to notify the Secretariat by email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh by 25 July 2022.
6.2. Listening Rooms
Listening and Viewing rooms are located at Kolab Room, Lobby Floor, Sokha Hotel. A limited number of passes for Listerning rooms will be provided to delegations.
6.3. Country Rooms
Each Participating Country will be provided with a Country Room which will be available from 30 July to 06 August 2022 on 3rd Floor, Sokha Hotel. Each Country Room can accommodate 6 persons (boardroom style) and will be equipped with a working desk and chairs, a desktop computer with internet access and a multifunction printer. Photocopier machines will also be available for common use on the same floor.
6.4. Bilateral Rooms
Bilateral rooms are located at M Floor and 3rd Floor, Sokha Hotel, and will be available from 01 to 06 August 2022. The Participating Countries are required to reserve bilateral rooms by filling out a Room Reservation Form and submit it to the Secretariat by email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh or through their respective LOs in advance for appropriate arrangements.
6.5. Prayer Rooms
Separate prayer rooms for men and women are available from 30 July to 06 August 2022 on 3rd Floor, Sokha Hotel.
6.6. Organizing Secretariat (Logistics)
The Secretariat of the Organizing Committee for ASEAN 2022, located at Yihub Room, M Floor, Sokha Hotel, will be operational from 30 July to 06 August 2022 from 07:30 to 20:00.
6.7. ASEAN-Cambodia National Secretariat (Substance)
The ASEAN-Cambodia National Secretariat located on 3rd Floor, Sokha Hotel, will operate from 30 July to 06 August from 07:30 to 20:00.
The Foreign Ministers and their Spouses, the ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse, SOM Leaders, ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General, DGs and CPRs will be provided with lapel pins. All other delegates will be provided with accreditation badges. DAOs are responsible for collecting lapel pins and badges for their delegations.
7.1. Access Control
All delegates are required to use their badges for entry into the meeting area at Sokha Hotel and any related events. Badges must be worn at all time during the meetings and functions. Lapel pins should be worn and visible as they shall be required for entry into secured venues in lieu of overpasses.
Access will be denied to non-accredited individuals and those who make improper use of their badges. Appropriate security arrangements and screening will be implemented, and all individuals entering the event premises will be subject to security screening. Ministers and their Spouses; and ASEAN Secretary-General and Spouse will be exempted from the security screening.
7.2. Access to secured venue
Entry into meeting rooms is restricted. A limited number of overpasses for entering the meeting venues will be provided to delegations and collected by DAOs one day before the meetings.
7.3. Loss of Badges and Lapel Pins
Loss of badges and Lapel Pins must be reported promptly to the Secretariat. Once the identity of the delegate verified, re-issuance of their badges shall be made on submission of an official letter issued by the concerned delegation and the presentation of the delegate’s passport. Upon the issuance of a new badge, the previous one shall no longer be valid.
Liaison Officers (LO) will be assigned to each delegation of participating country and ASEAN Secretariat as follows:
- One for Foreign Minister / ASEAN Secretary-General
- One for Spouse of Foreign Minister / ASEAN Secretary-General
- One for SOM Leader and Delegation
(Liaison Officers’ Namelist with contact details in Annex 2)
Security Officers (SO) will be assigned to each delegation of participating country and ASEAN Secretariat as follows:
- One for Foreign Minister / ASEAN Secretary-General
- One for Spouse of Foreign Minister / ASEAN Secretary-General
- Medical Information and Dietary Restrictions
All particiapating countries and the ASEAN Secretariat are requested to provide Medical Information and Dietary Restrictions of their Heads of Delegation and Spouses through a Note Verbal to the Secretariat via email: secretariat_asean2022@mfaic.gov.kh at the earliest opportunity and no later than 25 July 2022.
The medical facilities will be available at the Sokha Hotel for 24 hours daily. Health care professionals will provide first-aid and primary health care treatment for all delegates. Should the Delegations require immediate medical attention, kindly contact the assigned LOs for assistance.
- COVID-19 Prevention Measures
12.1. COVID-19 Airport Status
Since 17 March 2022, fully vaccinated air travellers to the Kingdom of Cambodia are NO LONGER required to show a negative PCR Test Result of COVID-19 and to undertake COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test at the port of entry. However, hardcopy proof of vaccination must be presented to the authorities upon arrival in Cambodia. Unvaccinated/partially vaccinated travellers are required to undergo seven days’ quarantine at their own expense. Foreign travellers are encouraged to purchase health insurance covering COVID-19 treament.
To expedite arrival formalities at the airport, each delegate shall register a valid COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate prior to departure to Cambodia. Information on the vaccination, such as vaccination certificate with details of the holder, vaccines administered, the institution that performed the vaccination, date of complete vaccination, will be required as proof that complete vaccination had taken place at a minimum 14 days prior to arrival in Cambodia.
12.2. COVID-19 Prevention Measures at Meeting Venue
Throughout the entire event, Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Tests will be performed every two days on all delegates before entering the meeting venue. Tests are available for free at the COVID-19 Testing Site located in the pre-function area, Lobby Floor, Sokha Hotel. The antigen test is valid for 48 hours. Medical team will provide a special sticker to be attached to the delegate’s badge if the test result is negative.
Social distancing must be strictly observed in all meeting rooms during the Meetings. It is mandatory to wear a face mask (covering nose and mouth) at all times at meeting venue.
12.3. Courtesy Call on Samdech Prime Minister
For the Courtesy Call on Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, ASEAN Foreign Ministers and ASEAN Secretary-General are requested to do the Rapid Antigen Test for COVID-19. The test kit will be available at the COVID-19 Testing Site in the pre-function area, Lobby Floor, Sokha Hotel.
12.4. Pre-departure COVID-19 RT-PCR Test
Delegations must indicate the need for Medical Certificates of COVID-19 RT-PCR Test Result for return trip when fiiling in the Registration Form.
- Media Arrangements
13.1. Media Center
The Media Center will be arranged at Sokha Hotel and will operate from 30 July to 06 August 2022 with working hours from 08:00 - 20:00.
13.2. Media Registration and Press ID
All media wishing to cover the 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and Related Meetings are required to be duly accredited. Press ID cards will be issued to accredited media representatives and must be visibly worn at all times at the Media Center and meeting venues.
Media is requested to register online via https://asean2022.mfaic.gov.kh by completing the registration form with an attached color photograph (JPG format, not over 1MB). The online registration for Media will be open from 01 to 25 July 2022.
The necessary documents required for the registration are as follows:
- One recent color passport-size photo with the duly completed form
- Valid Passport / National ID Card
- Valid Press ID Card
- Letter of assignment to cover the event
Incomplete and inaccurate information of the registration may delay the approval process and/or deny entry.
13.3. Press ID Pick-up
The time and venue for the press badge collection will be informed in due course. Please bring a printed copy of your approval email and valid passport to receive the press badge. For members of the same media organization, group collection of press badges is possible and advisable. Please prepare a list of recipients and present their original passports and printed approval emails for collection.
13.4. Press Pool
Most official events are restricted to a certain number of media representatives and will be arranged through a press pool. Media will be escorted at all times while they are at the meeting venues.